A man and his brother inherit a farm, on the farm there are some cows, and one ornery bull. The first morning of their stay on the farm, they went outside to find that the bull had escaped his pen, gotten out with the cows, and when they found him, his eyes were crossed. The two men decided to call the vet. The vet came out, stuck a tube in the bulls rear and blew really hard, the bulls eyes went back to normal. The vet charged the two men $50.00.
On the second morning, the two brothers awoke only to find the bull back out with the cows, and his eyes were crossed again. They thought about it, and decided NOT to call the vet, they could save $50.00 if they could just find a tube, and they'd do it themselves. One brother says to the other "I'll blow on the tube, you watch his eyes."
After numerous attempts, the brothers decide they should switch. The brother that was originally watching the bull's eyes walks around to the rear of the bull, pulls out the tube, and sticks the other end in. "What'd ya do that fer?" asked the brother. He replies, "Well, you don't think I want to blow on the same end as you, do ya?"