Little Bobby got a brand new bike for Christmas and was riding around the small town area when a police officer on a horse road up to him. "Hello there young man, did you get that bike from Santa Clause?" Bobby was very proud of his bike and replied with a smile "why yes I did" The officer was not a very jolly man and said, "My son, you do not have any reflector lights on that pretty bike of yours, I am going to have to write you a citation. Next time you might want to tell Santa that if he gives you a new bike ever again, he might want to put reflector lights on it!"
Little Bobby was quite upset and replied back, "Hey officer, did Santa give you that horse for Christmas?" The officer thought that this was humorous, so he thought he play along, "Why yes I did" Bobby then said to him, "Well next time why don't you tell Santa to put the dick on the bottom rather than the top of the horse!"